Guidelines for Writers & Photographers

My Fermentation is a premium quality magazine that covers the history, production, uses, science and health effects of fermented foods across cultures and generations. Content will include in-depth cultural and scientific histories, newsworthy and noteworthy current events, profiles of noteworthy fermented food creators, recipes for using fermented foods, instruction for creating fermented food safely and reproducibly, instruction on procuring or isolating appropriate microbial cultures, instruction for creating or procuring appropriate tools required for making your own ferments. The magazine will satisfy the needs and curiosities of beginners through advanced practitioners and will provide the reasons and science behind the ferments to the entire audience.

Many of our feature articles are written by our contributing editors, but we also assign articles to freelance writers, particularly those who have experience with our subject matter (both firsthand experience and writing experience).

If you would like to submit a query, please send a short synopsis of the idea, a maximum one-page outline, and any relevant digital photos to We would also like to see samples of your writing.

Tips for Potential Contributors

Read our magazine. Take a close look at previous issues to learn more about the various topics we cover, but all queries should fall into one or more of the following topic areas:

• Non-alcoholic beverages

• Beer

• Wine

• Other Spirits

• Vegetables and Nuts

• Dairy and Eggs

• Grains

• Meat and Fish

Submission Guidelines

Text should be submitted as plain text with no formatting. This allows the design team the flexibility they need to lay things out correctly.

Photos should be submitted in high-resolution format. We prefer photos at 300dpi. We prefer you submit unaltered photos shot at the highest quality settings on your camera. If we determine photos are unusable for any reason, we will substitute photography from a different source. We reserve the right to reject photos for any reason.

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