Miso Oats with Seaweed Kimchi Recipe

By Nicole Pisani And Kate Adams Issy Croker
Published on September 24, 2019
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In Asia, breakfast is traditionally a savory affair, such as the miso porridge at the base of this recipe. Adding shredded seaweed to kimchi adds extra umani flavor, texture and health.

Serves 1

For the seaweed kimchi


  • 1 Napa cabbage
  • 1 tbsp seaweed salt
  • 0.35 oz (10 g) dried wakame
  • 5 tbsp (25 g) Korean red pepper powder
  • 3 tbsp (50 g) Korean anchovy sauce
  • 3 1/2 tbsp (50 ml) water
  • 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger
  • 1 carrot, grated


  1. First sterilize a jar for the kimchi: place a clean jar in the sink and pour over just-boiled water from the kettle. Leave to air dry.
  2. Slice the cabbage into 1/2 inch (1 cm) rounds. Toss with the seaweed salt, making sure it is evenly covered, and leave at room temperature for about 6 hours.
  3. Rinse the salt off the cabbage and drain well. Soak the wakame in water for 10 minutes, then drain and slice thinly. Mix the Korean red pepper powder, anchovy sauce and water together to make a runny paste. Add the garlic and ginger, then pour this mixture over the cabbage, grated carrot and wakame. Mix together thoroughly.
  4. Transfer to your sterilized jar, leaving about 1 inch (2.5 cm) gap at the top. Press down on the cabbage so that the liquid just covers the vegetables. Seal and leave to sit for a day at room temperature. You can then store in the refrigerator for up to a month — it is ready to eat after the first day.

For the miso oats


  • 2 tsp peanut oil
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 1/3 cup (55 g) oat groats, soaked overnight, rinsed and drained
  • 1 tsp white or brown miso paste
  • 1 1/4 cups (300 ml) just-boiled water
  • 1 egg
  • Seaweed Salt, to serve


  1. For the miso oats, heat half the peanut oil in a saucepan and gently fry the shallot for 5 minutes, before stirring in the oat groats. Add the miso paste and stir, then add the just-boiled water. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat to simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the oat groats are tender.
  2. Heat the remaining oil in a nonstick frying pan and, once hot, fry the egg for 2-3 minutes until the white is cooked.
  3. Serve the miso oats in a bowl, topped with a spoonful of seaweed kimchi, the fried egg and a little seaweed salt to taste.

Also from The Seaweed Cookbook:

Seaside societies have included seaweed in their diets for millennia. Today we are rediscovering what they have long known: seaweed provides a nutritional punch, a powerful mix of iodine, iron, vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin B12; minerals, fiber and protein. It is linked to lower rates of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity and it is believed to help in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The Seaweed Cookbook covers all aspects of seaweed. It is for those who would like to incorporate this powerful food into their diet and it is for those who already enjoy it and want to discover new recipes. The book explains the benefits of eating seaweed, where to buy it, how to collect it (if you’re lucky enough to live seaside), and how to dry, store, soak and handle it as an ingredient. Most importantly, there are 50 easy and delicious recipes.

Reprinted from The Seaweed Cookbook: Discover the Health Benefits and Uses of Seaweed, with 50 Delicious Recipes by Nicole Pisani and Kate Adams, published by Firefly Books, 2018.

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