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Mint is a calming, soothing herb that supports healthy digestion. It also serves as a decongestant and sore throat remedy. Its naturally occurring rosmarinic acid has proven effective in relieving seasonal allergies. Lavender supports digestive health as well. It has a floral flavor profile that, when combined with mint, is a great remedy to the heat of summer.
While lavender is often thought of as simply a fragrant flower, it is actually an edible herb that has long been used in cooking. Dating back to ancient Egypt, this fragrant herb adds a wonderful floral tone to drinks and other foods. However, keep in mind that a little goes a long way; always err on the side of caution when using this herb. When using dried lavender, use just one-third the amount of fresh lavender called for in a recipe. And always use foodgrade lavender, as many florists and nurseries treat lavender with pesticides, rendering them unsuitable for consumption.
- 2 cups water
- 1/8 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup dried lavender buds
- 1/8 cup chopped fresh mint
- 14 cups oolong tea kombucha
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- In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil.
- In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the sugar, lavender buds, and mint. Stir the mixture for 1 minute, then turn off the heat. Let stand until cool, under 85°F.
- Strain the mixture and discard the mint and lavender. Add the fragrant water-sugar mixture to a 1-gallon jar, and add the kombucha.
- Using a funnel, pour the kombucha into bottles. Tightly cap the bottles.
- Leave the bottles in a warm place, about 72°F, to ferment for 48 hours.
- Refrigerate 1 bottle for 6 hours, until thoroughly chilled. Open the bottle (over the sink) and taste your kombucha. If it is bubbly to your satisfaction, refrigerate all the bottles and serve once chilled. If it is not there yet, leave the unopened bottles to sit for another day or two and try again. Once your desired effervescence and sweetness are achieved, refrigerate all the bottles to stop fermentation.
Makes 1 GALLON
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Reprinted with permission from DIY Kombucha: 60 Nourishing Tonics for Health and Happiness by Katherine Green and published by Rockridge Press, 2015.