Fermentation Week: The Brewkery

Fermentation Week
microbes + time = food & drink.


Ginger Berry Kombucha from The Brewkery


  • 8 tea bags or 25-30 g. loose leaf tea (60 % black – 40% green)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 cups filtered water to make tea
  • 8 cups cold filtered water
  • 4 cups starter tea (culture)
  • Directions:
      1. Combine 4 C. hot water and sugar in a glass jar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. The water should be hot enough to steep the tea but does not have to be boiling – about 205 degrees.
      2. Place the tea or tea bags in the sugar water to steep 4-5 minutes. (NOTE: Using a metal tea ball to contain loose tea for making kombucha is acceptable. The tea ball should be removed before adding the starter tea, so the tea ball will not come into contact with the culture.)
      3. Add 8 C. cold water to cool the mixture to 68-85ºF. The tea may be left in the liquid as it cools or removed after the first 10-15 minutes. Remove the tea bags or completely strain the loose tea leaves from the liquid.
      4. Add starter tea from a previous batch to the liqui
      5. Cover the jar with a tight-weave towel or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.
      6. Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed at 68-85°F, out of direct sunlight, for 7-30 days, or to taste. The longer the kombucha ferments, the less sweet and more vinegary it will taste.
      7. Pour kombucha off the top of the jar, or out of the spout for consuming. Remove the SCOBY and keep enough liquid from the bottom of the jar to use as starter tea for the next batch.
      8. The finished kombucha can be flavored and bottled, if desired, or enjoyed plain.
    Ginger Berry Kombucha

    In 16 oz. flip top bottle, add 4 slices of fresh ginger and 4-6 Blackberries (frozen or fresh). Fill bottle with finished kombucha from above recipe, leaving 1-inch headspace. Seal top and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 7 days. Check for desired carbonation and refrigerate when achieved. Before drinking, stain fruit from bottle.

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